
This is an ongoing project, in which Latin students at Kalamazoo College transcribe, create vocabulary and notes, and translate sections from Thomas Cantimpratensis’s Liber de Natura Rerum.

To learn more about Thomas Cantimpratensis and the Liber de Natura Rerum, this page at the Medieval Bestiary offers a wonderful summary

The following is a the Table of Contents for the Liber de Natura Rerum:


De anatomia

            De anima

            De monstruosis hominibus

            De animalibus quadrupedibus

            De natura avium

            De monstris marinis

            De piscibus marinis

            De serpentibus

            De vermibus

            De arboribus communibus

            De arboribus aromaticis

            De herbis aromaticis

            De fontibus

            De lapidibus

            De septem metallis

            De septem regionibus

            De septem planetis

            De passionibus aeris

            De quatuor elementis

            De ornatu celi