De collo

Collo corpori caput coniungitur. Ex cartilaginosa carne collum creatur, et hoc interius magisMultitudo venarum in collo est, per quas a corde usque ad quinque officia sensuum animus effundatur. Collum tantum prope in homine parum a suo loco reflectitur, in anterius quidemdextra levaque, sed post se nequitAnimalium vero collum in posterius sicut in anterius ad libitum reflectunturpreterquam leonislupi et hyene, qui rectis cervicibus rigentavium vero omnuim indifferenter. 

Si quis collum aliquo casu lesum vel subito distortum vel quasi distortum et contortum habueritverberentur plante pedum eius assere, et convalescet patiens. Si dolorem in collo habueris vel in scapulismelle prius despumato inunge et postea farinam fabarum et folia tunsa hedere confice cum melle et superpone. 

19. About the neck.

The head is connected to the body by the neck. The neck is created out of cartilaginous flesh, and to greater extent this is in the interior. A multitude of arteries are in the neck, through which from the heart all the way to the five duties of the senses, the sense is poured forth. The neck, nearly in bend, is bent very little from its position, certainly in the front, the right and left, but it is unable to lift itself to the back. Of course the neck of other animals bends at the back just as in the front as much as it wants, besides the lion, the wolf and hyena, who are stiff with straight necks; the necks of all birds certainly bend indiscriminately.

If someone were to have a neck hurt by some event or suddenly twisted or as if twisted and turned, the soles of his feet should be whipped by a pole, and the suffering person will recover. If you were to have pain in your neck or shoulder blade, first anoint it with skimmed honey, and second prepare bean flour and beaten ivy leaves with honey and put it on.

Animus, animi m. : mind; intellect; soul; spirit

Asser, -is m.: beam, pole

Cartilaginosus, -a, -um m.: cartilaginous, characterized by/full of cartilage

Cāsus, -ūs m.: fall, event, occurence

Cervix, cervicis f.: neck, nape

Contorqueō, contorquēre, contorsī, contortum: to twist, turn, contort

Convalēscō, convalēscere, convaluī: to recover, gain strength

Dēspūmō, dēspūmāre, dēspūmāvī, dēspūmātum: to skim (off)

Distorqueō, distorquēre, distorsī, distortum: to twist, turn, distort

Faba, -ae f.: bean

Farina, -ae f.: flour, dough; dust

Folium, foliī n.: leaf

Hedera, -ae f.: ivy

Hyaena, hyaenae f.: hyena

Indifferenter: indifferently; indiscriminately; interchangeably

Inunguō, inunguere, inūnxī, inūnctum: to anoint

Laedō, laedere, laesī, laesum: to strike, hurt

Patior, patī, passus sum: to suffer, endure

Planta, -ae f.: vegetable, sprout; sole (of the foot)

Quasi: as if, as

Quinque, quintus -a, -um, quini -ae, -a, quinquie(n)s: 5

Reflecto, reflectere, reflexi, reflexus: bend back; turn back; turn around

Scapula, -ae f.: shoulder blade

Tundō, tundere, tutudī, tūnsum: to beat, pound, crush

Verberō, verberāre, verberāvī, verberātum: to lash, whip

 per quas. . . effundatur:  A pre-Cartesian concept established by Aristotle where the mind is responsible for the rational and intellectual functions, while the heart administers the senses and cognitive functions. This was a widely accepted concept among medieval theologian writers, as it integrated with Christian ideological thought about desire, will, intention, sin, and virtue. For more informations see The medieval mind | The Psychologist (

tantum prope: “nearly in bend”

ad libitum– “as much as it wants”

hyene: hyenae

avium. . . indifferenter: understand collum with avium as the subject and reflectuntur as its verb.

plante: plantae