De oleastro

Oleaster, ut dicit Ysidorus, arbor est sic dicta, eo quod sit foliis olee simillimus, sed latioribus. Arbor est inculta atque silvestris, amara atque infructuosa. Cuius ramus olee insertus vim mutat radicis et vertit eam in propriam qualitatem.

About the wild olive tree. The wild olive tree, as Isidorus says, has been named wild olive tree thus, because it is the most similar to the leaves of the (domesticated) olive tree, but wider. The (wild) tree is uncultivated and wooded, bitter and fruitless. The branch of this (wild) olive tree having been grafted to a domesticated olive tree changes the force of the root and turns it into its own nature.

amarus, a, um adj. bitter

folium, ii n. leaf 

incultus, a, um adj. uncultivated

infructuosus, a, um adj. fruitless

insero, inserere, inserui, insertusplant; sow; graft to

muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatuschange; move

oleaster, tri m. wild olive tree

olea, ae f. domesticated olive tree

proprius, a, um adj. own; very own

qualitas, atis f. character; nature

radix, icis f. root

ramus, i m. branch 

similis, e adj. like; similar 

verto, vertere, verti, versusto turn

Oleaster … olee : Olee and oleaster are different genders. Olee is feminine and oleaster is masculine.

Ut dicit Ysidorus In the 6th century C.E., Isidorus of Seville wrote many books describing the nature of the world. The original writings of Isidorus can be found in the Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, translated by Stephen A. Barney and Lewis W.J. Beach.

eo quod sit Eo with quod expresses causality.

simillimus simillimus is in the superlative, and translates to “the most similar.”

Cuius : Take as a demonstrative for smoothness of translation.