Papiones animalia sunt circa Cesaream Capadocie, que parum admodum vulpibus maiores instar luporum simul adunati ululant, uno tantum inchoante et ceteris conclamantibus. Pilosam pellem habent. Ubi cadaver occisum fuerit, statim adunati clamoribus assunt. Sepulchra etiam ingrediuntur et hominum cadaveribus vescuntur in fame. Vox eorum longius auditur, et cum putatur esse in proximo, ululatus eorum in remotis est.
- Translation
- Vocabulary
- Notes
Concerning the papiones. The papiones are animals around Caesarea of Cappadocia, which are a little bit larger than foxes, and howl together just like the wolves, with only one in the beginning and the others then shout. They have pelts covered in hair. When a carcass has been killed, they are joined together by their howls immediately. Furthermore, they advance to the graves and feed on the bodies of the dead humans in their hunger. Their voices are heard from afar, and when they are believed to be nearest, their howl is in the distance.
vulpes, is f. fox
aduno, adunare, adunavi, adunatus 1 unite; make one
cadaver, cadaveris n. corpse
conclamo, conclamare, conclamavi, conclamatus 1 cry; shout aloud
incoho, inchoare, inchoavi, inchoatus 1 begin; start
pellis, is f. hide; pelt
ululo, ululare, ululavi, ululatus 1 howl
Possible type of animal: This entry may be referring to what we know as a golden jackal also known as the Eurasian golden jackal, common jackal, or reed wolf. This animal is native to southeastern and central Europe, Asia Minor, the Middle East, and South Asia. Although similar to a small grey wolf, the golden jackal is distinguished by a more slender build, a narrower, more pointed muzzle, a shorter tail, and a lighter tread.
Cesaream Capadocie: Caesarea of Cappadocia is a capital and province of the Roman Empire found in modern day Turkey
parum admondum maiores: This is translated into “are a little bigger”
vulpibus: Ablative of comparison.
uno tantum inchoante and ceteris conclamantibus : These two sections are both ablative absolutes.
Assunt: Another form of adsunt, compound of “ad” and “sunt”, translates as “be present”
Que: This is translated as quae not que.